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Mr. Rafter's Class
Happy Halloween
Wishing all our school community a happy, safe mid term break
Scary Woods Walk Kilglass
We had a spooktacular time on the scary woods walk today.
Garda visit
Local Gardai, Michael Kelly and Sean Campbell visited our 5th and 6th classes recently. They spoke to the children about staying safe...

Seashore Walk
1st to 6th class had a wonderful walk to the seashore today. We enjoyed looking at the wildflowers on our adventure and had great fun...

Cycling Safety Training
Our 5th and 6th classes have just completed a 5 week cycling safety training programme with Simon Walshe from Cycle Safety Ireland. The...

GAA Update
5th and 6th class have been very busy and active since returning from the Easter holidays. Sligo GAA coach Alan Duffy has been coaching...

Happy Retirement Ms.Hughes
Ms Hughes, On behalf of all the students and staff past and present of Rathlee National School, we want to thank you. We would like to...

Our 6th class were invited to Coláiste Iascaigh on March,13th where they had a very interesting and enjoyable day. Meanwhile the 5th...


Lá Domhanda na Leabhar
Rinne rang a 3, 4,5 agus 6 veteran Zoom le Edwina Guckian ar an 7ú Márta. Edwina is the author of 'Sparks from the Flagstones'. She...

Creative Cluster 2023-2025
As part of Creative Cluster we travelled to The Model visit 'The Sunset Belongs to You' exhibition but we also participated in a...

Schools Battery Recycling
Every year Rathlee NS recycles approximately 55kg of batteries. As a Green School working towards our 10 th Green Flag we are very aware...

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thank you to Fr.Joseph who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Rathlee church today March 6th. Congratulations to our 2nd class.

The Model
We visited The Model in Sligo, on Tuesday, February 27th to see the exhibition, ' The Sunset Belongs to You' by two of the country's...

Ojos de Dios
Ojos de dios , god's eyes,” were made by the Huichol indigenous peoples of Mexico. The Huichol symbolism of the god's eyes is primarily...

Máirt na hinide Ag Déanamh Pancóga
Comhábhair : Plúir,so uibheacha, bainne, im. 1.Nigh do lámha 2.Cuir an plúr sa bhabhla. 3.Cuir bainne agus ubh sa bhabhla freisin....

Aquatic Biodiversity Workshop with Dara Timpson, Heritage in Schools
The aim of Dara's workshop is to immerse the students in the abundant biodiversity that exists in their local streams, rivers or lakes,...

Salvador Dali & Surrealism
We enjoyed learning about SalvadorDali and Surrealism. We made melted clocks with clay to represent the melting clocks in his painting...

Conor put the pupils in 5th and 6th class through their paces for the GAAmigos in hurling and football. The regional football finals are...

Lá Fhéile Bríde Arís
We made a St. Brigid's Cross with a different design. This version was found in Wexford.

Lá Fhéile Bríde
Bhíomar an-ghnótach inniú ag déanamh crosa Bhríde. Tá an t-earrach linn.
Designing and Engineering
Great team work!


Christmas Performance 2023
Some children from Ms. Hughes class ready to perform in the Christmas Nativity Play and Carol Service 2023

STEM - Beebots
The Bee-Bot is an interactive tool used to create hands-on and engaging learning experiences for primary school students. It is an...

Electric Quiz
Today fifth and sixth class made a quiz game with a light that flashes to show the right answer. As electricity will only flow when...

Picker Pals
We registered for the Picker Pals programme and received our pack a few weeks. This programme is aimed at 6-9 year olds focussing on...

Chemistry: How do crystals form in borax?
Borax is a soft crystal mineral that is soluble, meaning that it can be dissolved in liquid (especially water). With this experiment we...

Creative Writing with Anthony Garvey
"I absolutely LOVE visiting schools to do Gravespeakers book readings or creative writing workshops." Anthony published The Dark Green...

Science/Living Thing
Planting spring bulbs, hyacinths and snowdrops . We planted 1 hyacinth bulb in water and more in clay for indoors. We planted...

An Geimhreadh Fir Sneachta ag Súgradh
We drew perspective snowmen with compasses. Then we gave each snowman their own personalit. We used Google Docs on our Chome Books to...

Stay Safe, Stay Clear Competition
We entered the ESB, Stay Safe, Stay Clear poster competition. students are asked to create a poster sharing what they have learned...

History: The Great War 1914-1918
We are learning about World War 1. We have listened to songs of that period, "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" and "Pack up Your Troubles"...

Science: Light
We used Chatterboxes to assess our understanding of light. Making the Chatterboxes gave us the opportunity to revise Symmetry.

Maths: Fractions
We used Kahoot to assess our understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Science Week Static Electricity
We investigated static electricity today 13/11/2023. 1. We rubbed our hair with balloons and electrons were transferred from our hair...

Oíche Shamhna
We had a memorable day today. The children looked fabulous in their Hallowe'en costumes. There was great excitement about the Pumpkin...

Edible Landscape Project
We are looking after our Edible Landscape area. We now have the perimeter in brick. We have lots of parsley and chives. The lavender is...

Scary Woods Walk in Kilglass
We have all our Hallowe'en Creations ready to be delivered to Kilglass for the Scary Woods Walk on Friday, 27th October.

Easkey Under 13 Hurlers
Congratulations to Easkey, under 13 hurlers, who won their shield final with a 6 point win over Drumcliffe Rosses-Point in Scarden, Sligo...

Maths Week
We continued to have fun with maths for the remainder of Maths Week by using the resources from the Maths Week Team.

Maths Week: Sligo ATU
5th and 6th class travelled to Sligo Atlantic Technological University, Tuesday 17 th October, as parts of Maths Week. There were 10...

Maths Week
On Monday, 16th October2023 we made Boxty. Boxty comes from "arán bocht tí" We used a weighing scales to weigh the ingredients , we had...

Planting Crocus Bulbs
Crocus is among the earliest of the spring flowering bulbs to bloom, Crocus are important not just because they lift our spirits with...



Chemistry: Make Plastic Out of Milk
We made our very own plastic polymer from casein, a protein found in cow's milk. Methodology: Heat half a mug of milk in the microwave ...


We were very busy making Tangrams, a Chinese puzzle. First we learned how to make a square with the 7 shapes. We then made our own Tangrams.

Seashore Field Trip & Leave No Trace
Today 2nd to 6 th class walked to the seashore . We found anemones, crabs, limpets, mussels and winkles. We gathered rubbish that was on...
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