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Ms. Lavelle's Class
St.Brigid’s Crosses
1st and 2nd class made St.Brigid’s crosses from coloured card. Thank you to Michelle for demonstrating how to make a cross from rushes...
STEM- Foil boats
We had great fun trying out a STEM challenge today in class. In groups we made a boat from tinfoil. The boat floated in water and we...
Smartie Maths
We explored data this week using smartie sweets. We sorted all the smarties into coloured sets and then counted each of the sets. We...
1st and 2nd class had great fun experimenting with a variety of magnets. First we predicted which items magnets would attract and which...
Winter Art
We are had lots of fun creating wonderful pictures in our art class
Hawkswell Theatre
Junior to 2nd class had a wonderful trip to the Hawkswell Theatre to see “The Snowman”. Thank you to all involved in the show. We...
Skittles Experiment
We have been covering pattern in maths. We decided to integrate this science experiment with the topic. You will need Skittles White...
Planting Spring Bulbs
We planted daffodil bulbs in pots before the Midterm break. We have a hyacinth bulb on display in our classroom and look forward to...
Marshmallow Fun
We had great fun making shapes with mini marshmallows, cocktail sticks and spaghetti.
Germ Buster Experiment
We demonstrated a handwashing science experiment that reminded us the importance of using soap when washing our hands. Soap makes "germs"...
Happy Halloween
Wishing all our school community a happy, safe mid term break
Scary Woods Walk Kilglass
We had a spooktacular time on the scary woods walk today.
Maths Week 2024
1st and 2nd had fun exploring the school grounds today. We completed a shape trail in pairs.
The Leaf Thief
We enjoyed listening to the autumn story The Leaf Thief. Our art class was inspired by the squirrel character and the autumn leaves as...


Sunflower Update
Look how much our sunflowers have grown. We planted sunflower seeds in spring and our teacher took care of the plant over the summer...

Our Class Family
1st and 2nd class were busy drawing portraits last week. We love how they brighten our noticeboard.

Seashore Walk
1st to 6th class had a wonderful walk to the seashore today. We enjoyed looking at the wildflowers on our adventure and had great fun...

School Tour
Junior Infants-2nd class had a wonderful school tour last Thursday. We visited Atlantic Sheepdogs where we saw a sheepdog demonstration. ...

1st and 2nd classes have been learning about Bees. Rathlee N.S. are working towards our 10th green flag under the theme Food and...

Puppet Show
Junior Infants, Senior Infants , First and Second class had a wonderful morning attending a puppet show in Castleconnor Community Centre....

Caterpillar update
There is great excitement in our classroom this week as a butterfly has emerged from its chrysalis. We were lucky to see this happening...

Holy Communion
On 11th May 2024 2nd class received the Sacrament of Holy Communion from Fr. Hogan. Thank you to everyone who helped out in this...

Green-Schools Food and Biodiversity
All classes have been busy this week planting spring onion and spinach seeds. We will be busy weeding our vegetable garden in...

We have welcomed 5 caterpillars to our classroom. We are excited to see the transformation they will take over the next couple of weeks....

Mouldy bread- how clean are our hands?
We used bread to demonstrate the importance of washing our hands. The class touched one slice with unwashed hands and one slice with...

April Art
We have been busy adding colour to our new classroom walls.

Happy Retirement Ms.Hughes
Ms Hughes, On behalf of all the students and staff past and present of Rathlee National School, we want to thank you. We would like to...

Planting Potatoes
Today we planted our seed potatoes in potato bags. Firstly, We had prepared the potatoes indoors to help them get a good start - this is...

Our class had fun using cubes, lollipop sticks, hand span and metre strings to measure items in the classroom. We have been learning...

Green Day
We had great fun dressing up in all things green for our Green Day 2024.

Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother's Day from 1st and 2nd class.

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thank you to Fr.Joseph who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Rathlee church today March 6th. Congratulations to our 2nd class.

Sound - investigating high and low sounds
We used four glasses to investigate high and low sounds. We filled one glass with water and left one glass empty. When we tapped each...

Chinese New Year
Each Chinese year is associated with an animal sign which features 12 animal signs in the order Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake,...

How to make a cup of tea?
Last month we focussed on the writing genre procedural writing. We learned about using our bossy or command words.

Spring Art
1st and 2nd classes used cotton buds to paint our hyacinth pictures. We had to work slowly to use the three purple colours. We hope you...

Lá Fhéile Bríde
1st and 2nd classes made St Brigid's crosses from pipe cleaners.

Energy and Forces
We had fun today investigating slopes and friction. We used our maths books to prop up a ramp made from a kitchen roll. We timed how...

The Common Dolphin
We started learning about the common dolphin from the Seakeepers project. We wrote a report on the dolphin and displayed this with our...

Static Electricity
Last month we investigated static electricity in Science class. We cut up paper into small pieces. We inflated balloons and rubbed the...

Picker Pals
We registered for the Picker Pals programme and received our pack a few weeks. This programme is aimed at 6-9 year olds focussing on...

STEM with Lego
We have been learning about homes in our SESE this month. We worked in pairs to build a variety of buildings from Lego. Wonderful...

In art classes this month, we have been focussing on printing from the visual art curriculum. We used straws for our winter trees and...

Maths Games
We have been playing gumball in pairs this week. It has been fun while working on our mental maths skills.

Marine Mammal Skeleton
Thank you to Jacob for bringing in the marine mammal skeletons which he found on the seashore with his family. Our investigations lead us...

Transparent or Opaque?
Materials: Properties and characteristics of materials In groups we tested a variety of materials to find out if they are transparent or...

STEM-Can you make a paper bat fly?
Living things: plants and animals Energy and forces: Forces Maths:measuring We have been learning about bats in English this week. We...

Halloween Ghost
Materials:Materials and Change You will need: 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of bread soda, funnel, white balloon, bottle and black...

Halloween Art
Halloween is in full swing in 1st and 2nd class. We have been busy making Halloween art over the past few weeks.
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