Mouldy bread- how clean are our hands?
We used bread to demonstrate the importance of washing our hands. The class touched one slice with unwashed hands and one slice with...
Mouldy bread- how clean are our hands?
Sound - investigating high and low sounds
The Model
Ojos de Dios
Salvador Dali & Surrealism
Lá Fhéile Bríde
STEM - Beebots
Electric Quiz
Chemistry: How do crystals form in borax?
An Geimhreadh Fir Sneachta ag Súgradh
Stay Safe, Stay Clear Competition
History: The Great War 1914-1918
STEM-Can you make a paper bat fly?
Halloween Ghost
Edible Landscape Project
Maths Week
Maths Week: Sligo ATU
Maths Week
Planting Crocus Bulbs
Maths Fun
Germ Busters