Primary Maths & Science
Collection 1
We have many other older experiments to share with you from our Science programme in 2016-2017 still on our blog - please visit and see the work of our super scientists and mathematicans. - click here
Science - Living Things
Seashore Safari
Mrs Hughes' Class
On Wednesday we presented our projects on Irish Marine Biodiversity via Zoom to Sorsha, of Leave No Trace Ireland.
Sorsha emailed to tell us that she ,” was amazed at the amount of work the class carried out and how much the children had learned about their individual species. It was great to see the variety of both flora and fauna, the art work was very impressive and I love that they included biofacts in some (mermaids purse, razor clam shells, mussel and limpet shells, barnacles and sea potato).
” We will receive our Marine Explorers Certificate shortly. On Thursday the 10th June we walked to the shore and we had a wonderful day investigating in the rock pools. We were able to put all we had learned to use.
We have some amazing pictures. We remembered “The leave no Trace rules” and returned all creatures to where we found them.
The Leave No Trace Seven Principles
Plan ahead and prepare.
Travel and camp on durable surfaces.
Dispose of waste properly.
Leave what you find.
Minimize campfire impacts (be careful with fire).
Respect wildlife.
Be considerate of other visitors.
Science - Living Things
Growing Vegetables
Our vegetables are growing really well. It is time for us to thin them out and replant them in bigger pots. We received all of the seeds and compost from ‘THE BIG GROW’, except for the pumpkin seeds which we to harvest in time for Hallowe’en
We know that even a small food growing experience can have a BIG impact. And that’s what the innocent big grow does. It has a big impact on children by teaching them something we call Food Empathy.
Food Empathy is a deeper connection and understanding of food that comes through the power of food growing. Food Growers eat more locally and more seasonally. They eat more portions of fruit and vegetables every day and are more physically active. Food growing also does wonders for self-esteem and confidence.
Dyeing T-Shirts Experiment
Click on an image to learn more about the steps involved